If you are working in a childcare setting, you might have heard about the HLTAID012 unit and its importance in guaranteeing safety among children. HLTAID012, otherwise known as childcare first aid, is a childcare first aid course relevant to educators and other staff working in childcare and education settings.

Enrolling in this course will teach you the knowledge and skills needed to respond to emergencies in a childcare setting. The childcare first aid course meets the requirements for authorised first aid, asthma, and anaphylaxis training set forth by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. It is taught by the Australian Resuscitation Council’s (ARC) guidelines (ACECQA).

It teaches students how to recognise illness or injury, contact emergency services, and safely administer first aid using action plans, resources, and equipment. Topics covered include CPR, defibrillation, administering an autoinjector for anaphylaxis, administering asthma medication, immobilising envenomation victims, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, bleeding & shock management, and much more.

Course Entry Requirements

Participants must be familiar with the fundamentals of computers and have access to a dependable computer with email and an internet connection. Participants must also be able to conduct CPR on an adult and baby resuscitation manikin for at least 2 minutes (5 cycles) to pass the HLTAID009 (CPR) unit’s assessment.

Here are the other essential requirements for enrolling in a childcare first aid course:


On successful completion, participants will be issued with a Statement of Attainment with the following units:
⦁ HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
⦁ HLTAID010 Provide essential emergency life support
⦁ HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
⦁ HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting

Emergency Response

A childcare first aid course will teach you how to react in an emergency. You must know the situation before using your first aid skills. With a childcare first aid course, you will learn how to assist in certain circumstances in a childcare setting, including what to check for in someone who needs aid and how to reduce the risk of damage.

The 3 C’s – Check, Call, and Care – are an approach strategy used in First Aid. People are eager to jump in and offer assistance but often need help figuring out what to do first. Having access to this knowledge could save lives, including your own.

Wound Care

No matter how tiny or enormous, any wound must be adequately cared for. In our childcare first aid course, you will learn how to bandage wounds properly, treat burns and bruises, and care for other face and chest wounds in children (and adults).

Choking Response

Choking can happen to anyone, whether five months old, 15 years old, or 50 years old. Whatever the situation, taking fast action is necessary when food gets caught in our throats, or we experience an allergic reaction. When an adult, child, or infant needs help breathing, you will be able to assist. With your education on assisting patients with asthma and allergies, you will also learn to spot other respiratory emergencies.

Enrol in Our First Aid Course in Brisbane

The Australian Training Institute offers nationally accredited courses covering a wide range of topics. Aside from our childcare first aid course, we also provide training courses like advanced First Aid (HLTAID014) and advanced resuscitation courses (HLTAID015).

Attend our courses here at the Australian Training Institute and experience excellent training in a welcoming and enjoyable environment. You can also enrol in various classes, such as asthma and anaphylaxis training, fire safety training, construction training, mining training, and more.

We offer a wide variety of first aid classes:

CPR training
First Aid training
Advanced first aid course
Advanced resuscitation course
Asthma and Anaphylaxis training
Drug and alcohol testing course
Remote first aid course
Occupational first aid course
LVR training (UETTDRRF06)
Remote first aid course

Australian Training Institute’s campus is located at 7/51 Brighton Rd, Sandgate QLD 4017 and is just a few minutes away from Deagon, Brighton, Virginia, Clontarf, Brendale, Strathpine and Chermside.
If you wish to know more about our services and the first aid courses in Brisbane that we provide, do not hesitate to call us! You can reach us at 07 3269 5005 or visit our website!

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