Crowd Control refresher training is required for anybody who holds a Security Providers Licence and is actively working in the security industry. This is for them to keep their skills and licence current. Depending on their licensing requirements, training participants may also choose to undertake individual units.

Here at the Australian Training Institute, we offer a crowd control refresher course for professionals in the security industry. This security refresher course is designed to ensure that everyone is caught up with the latest trends and newest industry developments. For more information on our refresher courses and training, read on.

Crowd Control Refresher: An Overview

This crowd control refresher course is equivalent to 3 units and includes HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid (previously HLTAID006). It is designed for those that hold a current Crowd Controller/Bodyguard Queensland Security License.

License holders in Queensland are required to stay up-to-date with the latest industry legislation, standards, and techniques. They have to complete revalidation training every 3 years.

Who can take this security refresher training?

The following are the pre-requisites for this refresher course:

  • Participants must be current holders of a Queensland Security Licence.
  • They must be physically fit and able to perform defensive tactic techniques.
  • They also must have sufficient skills to read, write, and communicate in English.
  • They must be able to perform at least 2 minutes or 5 cycles of CPR on an adult resuscitation manikin (as an assessment of the HLTAID009 unit).

What are the licence and regulatory requirements?

At this point, you must be wondering about the licencing and regulatory requirements. Here are important points to remember on Queensland Security Licenses:

  • All licenses are administered by the Office of Fair Trading.
  • As there are additional requirements (e.g., a participant must be over the age of 18 and must be a fit and proper person with no disqualifying offences under the criminal code in the last 10 years) and fees payable to the Office of Fair Trading, participants are encouraged to read through the requirements.

Why should security professionals undertake crowd control training?

Whether you are a veteran or a budding security professional, one thing we all know is that everyone needs to take a refresher course every 3 years or so. Knowledge fades over time, and the brain tends to dump information it doesn’t need. The best way we have of showing our brain that the information is still useful is simple: we have to use it.

We need a review of important concepts from time to time, regardless of the industry we’re in. This is where refresher courses come into the picture. They are designed to bring learners back to the basics and review some of the fundamentals they may have forgotten. In crowd control and security refresher courses, participants may also brush up on new information they may not know of.

Below are some of the reasons why undertaking refresher courses is important:

  • Build long-term memory

Our brain is a muscle and we need to keep it challenged to strengthen it. In a crowd control and security refresher course, participants can build long-term memory by testing how long they can go before they start to forget something. Remembering something you only heard a couple of seconds ago is easy, and the longer the interval between first hearing something and having to recall it, the better chance you have of remembering it.

Undertaking this crowd control refresher course challenges you to recall information you may not have thought about for a long time. Whether you have just served the security industry for a few years or have been a security professional for many years now, you must build long-term memory so you can always fulfil your duties and responsibilities.

  • Reduce mistakes and improve productivity

Security refresher courses are designed like fire drills. When participants review processes and procedures until following them becomes second nature, there’s less chance of them messing up in the workplace where it counts. A refresher course is run with the notion that practice makes perfect, reducing mistakes and improving productivity among participants.

Offer an effective warmup for those who may have taken a break
Sometimes, life gets in the way and participants may take time off a course of study to handle their responsibilities at home. Security professionals may take a hiatus or be out sick and they’ll be a bit rusty after a few months off the job. Security and crowd control refresher courses bring them back up to speed.

  • Keep all workers on the same page

Companies need to make learning part of their workplace culture. It keeps the knowledge and expertise of the company running at top levels while showing employees that they are valuable assets. For this to work well, employees need access to learning opportunities.

Across various industries, including the security industry, technology and company protocols change over time. If the new hires are learning one set of rules and protocols, they may come in conflict with the seasoned guards who learned something completely different. Security refresher courses are designed to keep the whole culture in step.

  • Keep employees up-to-date

In support of the above-mentioned points, refresher courses on crowd control and security also offer the perfect opportunity to keep employees updated on the latest industry developments. The security industry is ever-changing, with new trends, techniques, and technologies emerging from time to time. Being behind by even a few months can have unpleasant consequences for any business.

That said, security professionals should be able to identify the biggest changes as they happen. In a refresher course, they can keep track of these and be equipped to go over them in the workplace.

  • Identify knowledge gaps and training needs

It’s important to fill the knowledge gaps before they become a potential problem. Refresher courses are the perfect way to remedy deficiencies in the current training protocols. By initiating regular refresher programs, employers can monitor if employees are consistently receiving low scores in certain portions of the program, signalling that they need more support.

Keep Up with the Times and Enrol in a Crowd Control Refresher Course

Even if you haven’t taken any time off, taking a refresher course is still helpful. As a current holder of Crowd Controller/Bodyguard Queensland Security License, you have the responsibility to undertake a refresher course. Take note that the security industry is quick-paced and there are a lot of changes to keep up with.

A crowd control and security refresher course will remind you of the basics as you adapt to these changes. Enrol in this course today. For more information on the courses we offer, including advanced first aid courses, get in touch with the Australian Training Institute.