Here at the Australian Training Institute, we offer Provide Advanced First Aid (HLTAID014) with Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (HLTAID015). You can also take Provide Advanced First Aid (HLTAID014) or Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (HLTAID015) individually. This nationally accredited course is designed with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and first aid code of practice. Anyone who may be required to provide first aid, CPR, and oxygen in a range of complex situations across community and workplace settings should take this advanced first aid course.

If you’re looking to gain the skills and knowledge required to use specialised equipment in the provision of resuscitation, then the advanced resuscitation course is right for you. Here’s all you need to know about the advanced courses we offer.

Advanced First Aid and Advanced Resuscitation with Oxygen Therapy Course: An Overview

This course is designed to give participants the skills and knowledge required to provide an advanced first aid response, which includes managing the incident and other first aiders until medical assistance arrives. We especially recommend this course to employers who need to prepare their employees for certain medical emergencies.

In this advanced course, participants will learn the following:

  • How to utilise specialised first aid equipment;
  • How to stabilise a casualty where medical aid has been delayed;
  • How to operate a defibrillator unit in order to maintain life in an adult casualty in cardiac arrest; and
  • How to maintain life in an unconscious casualty with the use of oxygen equipment.

Can I take this advanced course?

If you’re someone who requires or desires more first aid training than the basic first aid training, or requires training almost at the level of emergency medical response, then you’re welcome to enrol in this advanced course. Our Provide Advanced First Aid (HLTAID014) with Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (HLTAID015) course is also perfect for emergency response teams. This course is designed to present many of the most common injuries and illnesses that responders are likely to encounter.

The intended audience also includes non-EMS responders including government, industry, corporate, security personnel, lifeguards, corrections personnel, and law enforcement.

Are there any pre-requisites?

For the Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (HLTAID015) course, participants must have a current HLTAID011 Provide First Aid Certification.

You must have basic computer skills and access to a computer with reliable internet and email access. Additionally, you must be able to perform at least 2 minutes or 5 cycles of CPR on an adult resuscitation manikin that is placed on the floor.

What licence and regulatory requirements should I be aware of?

The Advanced First Aid (HLTAID014) course is renewed every 3 years and the HLTAID009 and HLTAID015 units are renewed every 12 months. This is to remain up-to-date with the latest guidelines, as per the recommendation of industry councils and legislation.

Why should I enrol in an advanced first aid course?

Not all first aid training courses are created the same. Many different first aid courses have been developed to meet different requirements, just as your general practitioner has a different set of skills to address different concerns. First aid courses are applicable for different industries and environments and prepare participants to handle different injuries and illnesses.

To help you decide whether you should enrol in this advanced course, read on.

1. You can save someone’s life

The top reason to take this advanced course is that you could save someone’s life. This advanced resuscitation course can prove life-saving in certain medical emergencies. Take into account that hundreds of thousands of people die each year from sudden cardiac arrest.

When you’re confident in performing CPR, you can help preserve a person’s brain function during cardiac arrest. This increases the chance of keeping their blood flow, which ultimately keeps them alive. You can also use the skills you learn from this course on someone choking or drowning.

2. You can prevent worsening situations

If a person does not receive immediate first aid care, their symptoms may worsen or deteriorate, and it might be too late for emergency medical responders to save them.

In the advanced first aid and advanced resuscitation courses, you can get formal training and certification to be able to stabilise any patient until emergency medical services arrive. You can become a valuable link in the chain of support and survival when you’re equipped with the right skills and knowledge to prevent worsening situations.

3. You can increase patient comfort

In our Provide Advanced First Aid (HLTAID014) with Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (HLTAID015) course, you can gain life-saving skills that enable you to increase patient comfort during medical emergencies. In some cases, emergencies do not necessarily require hospitalisation. But it stills pays to learn important techniques such as proper bandaging.

When you learn these invaluable techniques, you will not only stay calm but also help the patient feel more at ease and less anxious.

How do I know if I need to perform resuscitation?

CPR is an excellent life-saving skill. It has helped countless people survive and recover from an accident. With an advanced resuscitation and advanced first aid course, you get to learn when you should or should not perform CPR.

This course prepares you in case you witness an accident in the future and need to perform CPR:

  • Car accidents
  • Electrocution
  • Near drowning
  • Sudden cardiac arrest
  • Sudden collapse

When someone is not breathing

One of the many things you will learn is performing CPR when a person is not breathing, which is especially crucial as the heart may stop beating and the brain starts dying without blood flow and oxygen. On average, a person can only go without oxygen for a total of six minutes before irreversible damage is done to their brain.

By learning to perform CPR within that time frame after cardiac arrest, you can help prevent brain damage. There is hope that the person will survive.

When a person is unconscious

You also learn how to perform CPR if a person is unconscious or unresponsive. This advanced course equips you with the skills to intervene in such cases so the person’s condition doesn’t become unstable and they don’t lose control of their breathing.

Enrol in an Advanced First Aid and Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy Course Today

Advanced first aid training courses are sought by workplaces and organisations to equip their members with life-saving skills. Be a more valuable member of your community by enrolling in an advanced resuscitation course here at the Australian Training Institute. For more information on our Provide Advanced First Aid (HLTAID014) with Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (HLTAID015) course, contact us today.